How You Can Move Like a Karate Expert Have you seen a Karate expert move? It’s like magic. The movements of a true Karate expert are so sophis...
10 Differences Between Okinawan Karate & Japanese Karate Question: Do you know the difference between Okinawan Karate & Japanese Karate? I didn’t. Until I v...
This Challenge Will Laser-Focus Your Karate It was a hot evening in August, 1952. David Tudor approached his piano on stage at the Maverick Concert Hall...
2014: My Karate Year in Review 2015 is almost here. I’m stoked! With a new year comes new possibilities for growth in Karate & lif...
How to Get Massive Power In Your Karate Punches Do you know what power is? It’s tricky. But super important for Karate! Because, let’s face it:...
How To Make Boring Karate Fun (“The Broccoli Method”) “Bleurgh! Hnng! Yuck!” Those were the sounds I made as a kid, every time my mom tried to make me e...
How to Feel Good About Sucking at Karate We’ve all been there. You’re standing in the dojo, practicing some moves, when your sensei suddenl...
Exclusive Interview: Yukimitsu Hasegawa – 7x World Karate Champion 7 times world champion. That sounds like something a fake “McDojo” grandmaster would put on his bu...
Is Your Karate Dead or Alive? “Karate is a Way of Life” Ever heard this? I have. The sentiment that Karate is a lifestyle is fr...
Is This World’s Fastest Karate Group Picture? [Video] I challenge your dojo! Can you take a group pic faster than this one? The video was shot at KNX14 (The Karate ...
How to Be Creative in Karate (& Why It’s Super Important) Creativity. It’s a big word. Are you afraid of it… …or enthralled by it? No matter what feel...