Your Karate “Blocks” Are Dysfunctional. Here’s Why. “Traditional Karate blocks don’t work against real attacks.” That’s something I often ...
3 Secrets to Being a Karate Instructor That Kids L-O-V-E (& Respect) Being a Karate instructor isn’t easy. Especially not if you teach kids. It requires knowledge, creativit...
Warning: This #1 Karate Mistake Could Destroy Your Health Forever Sensei Jeff is only 43 years old. Tomorrow, he’s scheduled for his second knee surgery. Ouch… But...
The Art of Karate Explained in 80 Seconds [VIDEO] Everyone knows that Karate is a martial art. But few people know what “art” really means. So…...
3 Tricks To Quickly Learn A New Karate Kata Confusion. And awkwardness. Those are the two main things I feel every time I learn a new Karate kata. DonR...
10 Disturbing Myths About Karate Everyone Thinks Are True 1: “Karate people break bricks every day.” We’ve all heard it. “So… how many boa...
How I Won Every Street Fight in My Life (Without Breaking a Sweat) Listen… Would you believe me if I told you I’ve won 100% of the street fights in my life? It’...
15 Frequently Asked Questions About KNX15 Wow… In 24 hours, EVERY single ticket to The Karate Nerd Experience 2015 (KNX15) sold out. Amazing! (V...
KNX15: The Karate Nerd Experience 2015 It’s time again… Are YOU ready for the world’s AWESOMEST Karate camp? Last year’s KNX...
The 3-Step Formula of Karate Mastery “Mastery” is a big word. If you practice Karate, you should strive for it. In every punch, kick, ...
How To Plan Your Karate Training (According to Science) Do you have a smart Karate training plan? Most people don’t. In fact, the average Karate-ka doesn̵...