Boost Your Karate Talent The Spartan Way There are many things I still don’t understand when it comes to Okinawan Karate. One being their facili...
The 3 C’s of Japanese: Cold, Confused & Constipated “Ka-slap!” It was one of the most stinging verbal slaps I’d ever received. And I loved it. To make a lon...
Lectured By Sensei: “The Lion Incident” I once heard that the only feeling you never forget is embarassment. Or was it humiliation? It’s a thin ...
Infiltrating The Okinawan Funakoshi Clan Today was my last day here in Okinawa. Too bad. So, of course I had to do one last sayonara-trip down the unbe...
The Truth of “Ti” Okay, I’m a little disappointed in you guys. Hear me out: Since I recently received my long-awaited 10th...
The Meaning of Onegaishimasu Today, when I walked to the dojo, something remarkable happened. You see, when I cross the road at pedestrian ...
When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong – Ground Fighting in Karate I remember being at this great seminar once, covering all kinds of nifty kata application principles, when, su...
“Karate-do Sanka” by Nagamine Shoshin Written by the late founder of Matsubayashi Shorin-ryu Karate, Nagamine Shoshin, the Karate-do Sanka (lit. emp...
Siam – Discovering Karate’s Forgotten Source (pt. 2) "Well, it just isn't as easy as I thought it would be! I mean, it's not like they advertise exactly." "What...
Siam – Discovering Karate’s Forgotten Source (pt. 1) Have you packed your bags? Good. Because we're about to go on a journey together....
The Okinawan Karate Myth Imagine that you are living in a small village, hidden deep in a valley somewhere in a land far away. You don...