The World’s Best Karate Gi? It started with a simple question: “Why is there no perfect Karate gi?” Having owned dozens of ...
10 Books Every Karate Nerd Must Have (+ 1 DVD) Do you like reading Karate books? Perfect! Because today, I’ve put together a quick list of a few of my...
The 3 Types of Bunkai (Omote, Ura & Honto) What do you know about bunkai? If you are like most people – you know a little bit. You know that the an...
3 Reasons Karate is the World’s Best Martial Art “Which martial art is the best?” It’s an age-old debate. Desktop warriors, fighters, scholar...
How to Always Look Good in Your Karate Gi (Uniform) A pear. A watermelon. An apple. The ways people look in their Karate gi can often be compared to a fruit. Sadl...
32 Awesome Karate Quotes I’ve said it before. But I’ll say it again: I’m a sucker for quotes. Good quotes, weird quot...
Top 6 Martial Arts Movie Fights of All Time: The KbJ Fans’ Edition Kung fu movies. Taste the phrase. We all have our favorite one. And we all have our favorite hero. From Bruce ...
The Karate Code: Official Press Release Finally. After 18 months of back-breaking research, writing, translating and most of all waiting – The Karat...
7 Ways to Find Your “Tokui Waza” Have you ever seen somebody execute a really superb technique, and wondered “How on earth does he/she do it?...