The Mysterious Martial Monk (pt. 2) (This is part 2 of ‘The Mysterious Martial Monk’. If you haven’t read part 1, you really sho...
A Two-Minute Guide to Pressure Points Two weeks ago a couple of kickboxers from our club (it’s a martial arts center) went to compete in Denma...
“On Assymetry” By Fujita Seiko As I have written before, the system I train in has strong influences from a man named Fujita Seiko (1899-1966...
The Hard Soft Style Swimming Academy There is a quite famous book in Karate circles known as “Bubishi”. You might have heard of it. It ...
Kinteki by Fujita Seiko The system I train in has strong influences from a man named Fujita Seiko (1899-1966), who was the last inheri...
The “10 Items of Bugei” at Ochayagoten Step into the time machine. [woosh! sound of flying back in time] Now step out. We are in 1867. March 24th. Lo...