KNX15: The Karate Nerd Experience 2015 It’s time again… Are YOU ready for the world’s AWESOMEST Karate camp? Last year’s KNX...
Confessions of a Karate Nerd™ Passion. Deep down, that’s the force that drives us. Or at least, it used to drive us. Back when things ...
The 10 Commandments of Karate Nerds™ Karate is not a religion. Still, I have come up with 10 “holy” commandments that you really need t...
How to Save Karate From It’s Dark Future (Before It’s Too Late) Yesterday my friend told me his dojo has grown 200% in the past week. Turns out, they got one new member. Ouch...
Kiken, Kitsui & Kitanai: The 3 K’s of Old-School Traditional Karate Do you know what a koan is? No? A koan is a story, dialogue, question or statement which is used in Zen-practi...
5 Little-Known Secrets of Utterly Successful Karate-ka What defines a great Karate practitioner? The answer to that question has been debated for decades, and seems ...
Guest Post: MMA – The Real Life Video Game? The following is a guest post by my brother Oliver (website here) who happens to be a fighter, coach and ins...
My 7 Answers to Possibly the Most Fascinating Karate Master’s Thesis Interview Ever? Have you ever wondered about the “possible connection of martial arts and movement to literary and compo...
The Karate Nerd Manifesto So, I keep arguing that you need to become this Karate Nerd™ thing. Most of you, hopefully, kind of, sort of...
Discovering The Lost Secret of Matsumura’s Mysterious Bo Staff BOOM! I woke up with a bang. “OMFG, what’s the time?!” Checking my mobile phone. 5:20. AM. I...
19 Foolproof Ways of Being a Completely Average and Unremarkable Karate-ka 1. Accept everything you’re told at face value. Especially if it comes from somebody with a higher rank ...