Exclusive Interview: Iain Abernethy – UK’s Leading Expert on Practical Kata Bunkai (pt. 1) Thirteen. That’s how many letters Iain Abernethy’s name contains. Thirteen is also the number of l...
32 Awesome Karate Quotes I’ve said it before. But I’ll say it again: I’m a sucker for quotes. Good quotes, weird quot...
Konishi Yasuhiro: The Hidden History of Karate’s Hardcore Hero Does success always equal fame? If your answer is yes, how come you have never heard of Donald Bradman? Probab...
Enter the Ishi-Sashi: Old-Style Functional Karate Strength Training for the 21st Century The other day somebody asked me how to strength train for Karate. What machines to use, how many sets, how man...
Legends of Karate: Mabuni Kenwa and his Shitô-Ryû (pt. 1) Sometimes you just read those articles that make you go: “Dang it! I wish I had the patience to write th...
Choosing The Right Path Towards The “Ultimate Aim” of Karate Disclaimer: To all you second graders, there are no images in this post. Sorry. And I’m not even sorry. ...
Naha-te’s 2 Greatest “Secret” Lessons (pt. 1) I think I was 15 years old when first I sparred against this evil Russian Ju-jutsu expert. He was smaller than...
Quick Guide to Training in Ye Old Days Last monday, after class, a sempai came to me and asked me what it was like in ‘ye old days’ if yo...
The Birth of Today’s Karate I’m going to begin this post with a story. What would you say if I told you the following: Once upon a t...
10 Amazing Karate Places I Visited In Okinawa But Never Told You About During my almost 6 months stay in Okinawa this year I had the chance of visiting a lot of interesting Karate a...
Elephants, Lions & Kihon What do you do on the evenings? And I don’t mean when you train, but after training. Like when you have eate...