How to Be a Good Karate Parent (Hint: Use These 6 Magical Words) Imagine the horror: You’ve been driving your kids to Karate class, tournaments and camps for years. You&...
3 Guaranteed Signs Your Dojo is NOT a McDojo™ I tried to educate the masses. I really did. But still, many Karate-ka are unsure if their dojo is a McDojo™...
27 Kinds of Karate People That Annoy Me Greatly I know, I know… You probably think I write these articles lying naked on a bearskin rug, feather pen and...
Shin-Gi-Tai: The Definition of a True Sensei We have all met them. Those unique Karate teachers that make everything feel like instant enlightenment. Those...
How To Learn Karate in 10 Seconds? Everything is supposed to go so fast these days. “Modern Kung-Fu Karate: Iron Poison Hand Training, Book...