How to Feel Good About Sucking at Karate We’ve all been there. You’re standing in the dojo, practicing some moves, when your sensei suddenl...
3 Things My First Triathlon Taught Me about Karate (& Life) I finally did it. After swimming my ass off in the ice cold, pitch black water of Stockholm’s murky old ...
“The K is on the Way”: An Exclusive Interview with the President of WKF on Karate’s Controversial Road to the Olympics 2020 (pt. 1) Last week I posted an interesting question on my facebook page. QUESTION: What is YOUR biggest concern/fear, i...
One Karate To Rule ‘Em All? A while back I received an e-mail. It went: Hi, First of all, let me tell you that your blog is just awesome! ...
Choosing The Right Path Towards The “Ultimate Aim” of Karate Disclaimer: To all you second graders, there are no images in this post. Sorry. And I’m not even sorry. ...
My System: Karate-jutsu (pt. 2) This is the second part of ‘My System: Karate-jutsu’. If you haven’t read part 1, then you s...
“Dear Kata Critic…” There are some pretty fun words and phrases out there. For example, in German they have the horribly long word...