How a World Champion Survived a Small Mistake (That Nearly Cost Him the World Games Title) Imagine the fear: You are standing on the mat in the kata finals of the World Games. You have been competing a...
Morio Higaonna’s 3 Ultimate Lessons of Karate Wisdom Being here in Okinawa, practising Karate and Kobudo with all sorts of masters, gives you an interesting perspe...
Exclusive Interview: Antonio Diaz – World Karate Champion (pt. 1) Folks… I did it. After stalking him like a sweaty ninja for an entire weekend, riding ninja-style on the...
The Double-Edged Sword – Sanchin The Okinawans love to party. And Karate masters are no exception. Actually, if you have read your history, you...
Styles of Karate (pt.2) – by Kanken Toyama Here is the second part of the article on “the styles of Karate”, written by Kanken Toyama (1888-1...
Styles of Karate (pt.1) – by Kanken Toyama Today I thought I would share one of my absolute favourite articles ever written on Karate. It’s about t...