One Simple Exercise to Increase Your Flexibility by 39% (Or More) in 8 Seconds Picture this: You’re sitting in heavy traffic, on your way to the dojo. You’ve had a long week at ...
“Art” or “Fight”? Exploring the Two Sides of Rhythm in Karate’s Kata It’s been a while since I answered awesome reader questions in public. So it’s about that time aga...
5 Ways to Get a Fantabulous Shiko-Dachi Stance: Looking Beyond Static Stretching Okay, okay, okay… I’m back. Well, not that I ever “left” or anything, I’ve just ...
My 7 Answers to Possibly the Most Fascinating Karate Master’s Thesis Interview Ever? Have you ever wondered about the “possible connection of martial arts and movement to literary and compo...
What Should I Be Focusing On? A Karate Dilemma. Somebody died and made me king, emperor and dictator-for-life of Karate therapy online. Here’s my latest...
“When Should I Leave My Sensei And Start My Own Dojo?” An e-mail was received. From a ridiculously handsome man named Gary, with an impeccable taste in blogs. Obvio...
How To Practice Karate Alone Here’s a question I get a lot: “Dear Jesse-san, Training Karate alone is very hard for me. I know ...
The Numb-Chuck ABCs (pt. 1) I recently received a very handsome e-mail from a very handsome reader. It goes (slightly abbreviated): “...
Mirror, Mirror On The Wall… A few weeks ago I received a nice e-mail from an incredibly handsome gentleman, with a good taste in blogs, na...